Jeff Yuen & Associates, Inc.


We offer a comprehensive service offering to meet your drug or device compliance needs

Services We Offer

Auditing And Remediation

Auditing And Remediation

You are the priority and the associates at Jeff Yuen & Associates work to ensure...
Validation, Commissioning and Qualification

Validation, Commissioning and Qualification

YA is well versed in the regulations and requirements for facility design & construction...
Warning Letter/Consent Decree Remediation

Warning Letter/Consent Decree Remediation

JYA specializes in understanding the significance of serious compliance issues and...
Advisory Board/Executive Management & Transitional Leadership

Advisory Board/Executive Management & Transitional Leadership

JYA continues to provide executive leadership and mentorship to key site leaders in the areas...


Training is a fundamental CGMP foundation principle. Expert trainers are required to ensure proper...
Regulatory Affairs

Regulatory Affairs

The JYA team leverages significant regulatory experience to provide the expert regulatory....
Qualified Person (QP) Services

Qualified Person (QP) Services

For the European markets, QPs are required to perform qualification audits of sites producing...
Project Management

Project Management

We can manage the project for you. We have real world experience managing...
Expert Witness

Expert Witness

No one wants to be in the situation to need an expert witness, but when you do need one...

The Real World Experience

The right consultation on right time can keep your business to keep growing.
Consulting 60%
30 +
Industry Experience Years
2000 +
Cumulative Industry Years
20 +
Staff Health Authority Average Years
Cumulative Health Authority Years
Experts & Creatives

We Improve Business

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Our Consulting & Finance Company Conult in 1987

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Audits & Gap Assessments

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Facility Design Reviews

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Qualification and Validation Review

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Internal Audits of Quality Units

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Portfolio of Services

Our team at Jeff Yuen & Associates, Inc provides the highest quality service for all pharmaceutical phases including pre-clinical, clinical and commercial operations, testing and regulatory support.

Qualification and Validation Review

Audits & Gap Assessments

Internal Audits of Quality Units

Facility Design Reviews

Due Diligence for Mergers/Acquisitions

Qualified Person
(UK Based)

Vendor/Supplier Qualification Audits

Technical Support & Technical Writing

Training, Coaching and Mentoring

Good Documentation Practices an Data Integrity

Back Room Inspection Management or Support

Data Integrity/Part 11 Assessments and Computer System Validation

Mock Inspections

Regulatory & CMC Support (CDER/CBER)

Sterility Assurance and CMC Reviews

Get to Know About Company

CDR Jeff Yuen is a well-respected domestic and international speaker with over 32 years of compliance and regulatory experience; Jeff was a peace officer/investigator with the State of California, Food and Drug Branch and a Consumer Safety Officer for the US FDA. During his tenure with the US FDA, he was rapidly promoted to the rank of Commander in the US Public Health Service.
Jeff Yuen - Founder